Air Handling Unit Cleaning Services

Ensure Clean and Efficient Ventilation

Accredited by

Types of Air Handling Units (AHUs)

Terminal Units | Makeup Air Units | Rooftop Units
Air Handling Units come in various types to meet diverse needs. Whether it's local use, outdoor air conditioning, or rooftop installations, we provide comprehensive cleaning services for all AHUs.

Heating and Cooling Elements in AHUs

Optimising Heat Exchangers for Efficiency
Air handling units play a vital role in controlling indoor air temperature and humidity. This is achieved through heat exchanger coils within the AHU's air stream. We specialise in cleaning these critical components.

The Importance of Cleaning AHUs

Regular maintenance and cleaning of AHUs are essential for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Clean coils maximise AHU efficiency, ensuring they operate at 100% capacity.
  • Air Quality: Removing pollutants from clean AHUs improves indoor air quality.
  • Cost Savings: Clean AHUs reduce energy costs and prevent corrosion and blockages.

Benefits of Cleaning Air Handling Units (AHUs)

Enhance your building's ventilation by understanding the advantages of regular AHU maintenance.

Full-Capacity Operation

Maintain peak efficiency with clean coils, ensuring optimal system performance.

Cleaner Air, Healthier Environment

Prevent air pollutants by keeping the AHU and duct system clean, fostering a healthier indoor space.

Efficient Energy Use

Unobstructed airflow from regular cleaning means less energy consumption and reduced bills.

Longer Equipment Lifespan

Prolong the life of components, reducing the need for early replacements and saving on costly breakdowns.
