Airing Cupboard Maintenance

Guarding Against Sludge Build-up

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The Airing Cupboard: A Sludge Breeding Ground

Heating systems installed since the mid-1970s have a crucial component known as the pump, often referred to as the "heart" of the system. Additionally, motorised valves and controls are situated within the airing cupboard. This setup, known as the airing cupboard configuration, plays a central role in your heating system's functionality.

Challenges Caused By Sludge

  • Magnetic Attraction

    The pump and motorised valves generate a magnetic field. This magnetic field attracts metallic debris, rust, and sludge from your system. Over time, these contaminants adhere to the pipes within the airing cupboard.

  • Hard Blockages

    As these particles accumulate, they form stubborn blockages within the pipework. These blockages can become solid and difficult to remove, often necessitating dismantling for effective clearance.
  • Boiler Noise
    The restricted flow due to these blockages can lead to bothersome boiler noise issues. Moreover, the cold feed can become obstructed, causing further disruptions.

Airing Cupboard Maintenance Services

Ensure the smooth operation of your heating system by opting for our professional airing cupboard maintenance services:

  • Thorough Cleaning: We provide comprehensive cleaning services, including the removal of sludge and debris from your airing cupboard components.

  • Preventative Measures: Our team can implement preventative measures to minimise sludge buildup in your system, reducing the risk of blockages and boiler noise.
  • System Optimisation: By keeping your airing cupboard in peak condition, we help maintain efficient heating system performance, ultimately saving you energy and money.

Commercial Power Flush for business

Benefits of Biomass Power Flushing

Don't wait until sludge causes irreversible damage to your heating system. Contact us today for professional maintenance and sludge removal services, ensuring a warm and efficient home.

Increase Efficiency

Radiators heat up faster and reach higher temperatures.

Eco & Budget Friendly

Enjoy reduced CO2 emissions and fuel costs.

Government Incentives

Potential rewards from schemes like the RHI.

Massive Savings

Up to 80% cost reduction compared to traditional systems.
